The PINFT project provides flexible learning opportunities for painters who want to transition to the digital world of NFTs. Our e-learning platform covers various aspects of NFTs, including an introduction to NFTs, NFT marketplaces and wallets, NFT law and copyright, building your first NFT, and creating, buying, and selling NFTs. Our project is supported by Erasmus+ and contributes to digital transformation and inclusion and diversity.
E-Learning Module Focused on Painters’ Transformation into NFT
Project Details
Our e-learning platform contains five modules covering various aspects of NFTs:
- Introduction to NFTs
- NFT marketplaces and wallets
- NFT law and copyright
- Building your first NFT
- Creating, buying, and selling NFTs
Each module includes learning objectives and interactive quizzes and exams to test your knowledge and understanding of the material.
Multiplier Event
The Multiplier Event is a one-day gathering of 10 painters and street artists who will participate in the project. You will have the opportunity to test the e-learning platform in practice, convert your artworks to NFTs, and provide valuable feedback to improve the project.
Join Our Multiplier Event
Target Audience
Project Partners
Contact Us
This project has been funded with the support of the European Commission. The content of this website represents the views of the authors only and is their sole responsibility. The Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.